[Dirvish] One of the vaults broken - init enough?
Rolf-Werner Eilert
rwe-sse at osnanet.de
Wed Sep 8 15:13:50 UTC 2021
Thank you for your comprehensive answers, Isaac and Paul,
I'll look it up and be back in couple of days.
Am 08.09.21 um 15:14 schrieb Isaac W Traxler:
> Presumably you had a working abckup at some point in the past and
> something went wrong. You now probably have numerous backup directories
> where a portion are still good but some number have littlle of no data.
> The first goal is to get a good current backup. Before anythong elase,
> make sure no backups are running for home (as suggested by others). Now
> run a backup init to get a good backup of home. If this fails, tell us
> ehat the log files say. Once that works, tyour future backups should be
> fine.
> This leaves the question of the exising backup directories. One approach
> would be to do nothing and simply let them eventually get purged out. A
> better approach would be to identify the failed backups and eliminate
> them (I go to the home directory and do a "du -sh *". This command will
> take a while, but it will report the amount of space that each backup is
> taking. It should be obvious which ones failed (much smaller in space).
> You can confirmthey failed by looking at the summary files. I normally
> delete failed backup directories (so I don't assume they are there to
> restore from).
> The next issue is disk usage. Each init does a "full" backup and does
> not take advantage of dirvish's (rsync's) ability to simply backup
> changes. This results in duplicate copies of files. If space is of no
> issue, you can not worry about this (and eventually as they age out this
> problem will fix itself). When this issue happens, I go to the directory
> above (my tree looks like /backups/server/file_system -- so I "cd
> /backups/server"). and then I run "hardlink file_systyem" and wait for
> it to finish (this may take a long time also). the hardlink command will
> identify all duplicate files and replace duplicates with hardlinks to
> one copy of the data (essentially what Dirvish/rsync does when making
> the backups). This will recover any "lost" space due to duplicate files.
> In fact, I make it a practice to periodcally run hardlink on every vault
> to eliminate any duplicate files as a normal part of maintenance.
> Isaac Traxler
> LSU/LONI HPC Storage & Infrastructure Manager
> traxler at lsu.edu
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* dirvish <dirvish-bounces at lists.dirvish.org> on behalf of
> Rolf-Werner Eilert <rwe-sse at osnanet.de>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, September 8, 2021 5:17 AM
> *To:* dirvish at dirvish.org <dirvish at dirvish.org>
> *Subject:* [Dirvish] One of the vaults broken - init enough?
> I hope this list is still alive...
> Some time ago I received a
> 21:45:44 /usr/sbin/dirvish --vault backup-home
> backup-home:default:20210727-2145:
> /mnt/backups/backup-home/dirvish/lock_file already exists
> on the /home vault. After some days I looked it up and yes, I found a
> lock file and deleted it, but it had no effect. So I decided to initiate
> the /home vault again, then let it backup (only /home) once and went
> into holidays.
> Since then I get
> 21:24:51 /usr/sbin/dirvish --vault backup-home
> backup-home:default:20210830-2124: ERROR: no images for branch default found
> Guess I messed it up, but how can I re-initiate the /home? Of course,
> the cronjob starts dirvish-runall, so do I have to expire all of them
> first, then initiate again?
> Thank you for your help!
> Rolf
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