[Dirvish] One of the vaults broken - init enough?

Paul Slootman paul at debian.org
Wed Sep 8 12:52:56 UTC 2021

On Wed 08 Sep 2021, Rolf-Werner Eilert wrote:

> I hope this list is still alive...

Yes it is

> Some time ago I received a
> 21:45:44 /usr/sbin/dirvish --vault backup-home
> backup-home:default:20210727-2145:
> /mnt/backups/backup-home/dirvish/lock_file already exists
> on the /home vault. After some days I looked it up and yes, I found a lock
> file and deleted it, but it had no effect. So I decided to initiate the
> /home vault again, then let it backup (only /home) once and went into
> holidays.

"it had no effect", you mean you again got a message that the lock_file
existed? If so you should have checked also whether there was still a
dirvish session running.

> Since then I get
> 21:24:51 /usr/sbin/dirvish --vault backup-home
> backup-home:default:20210830-2124: ERROR: no images for branch default found
> Guess I messed it up, but how can I re-initiate the /home? Of course, the
> cronjob starts dirvish-runall, so do I have to expire all of them first,
> then initiate again?

I would recommend first checking that there is no dirvish/rsync still

When you say that you initiated the /home vault again, what exactly did
you do? Was it: dirvish --vault /mnt/backups/backup-home --init

As it says there's no image for the default branch found, it looks like
that --init failed. Is there something that is causing the rsync process
to hang? E.g. an enormous sparse file on the source would do that.

So we need way more details than you have given to help you.


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