[Dirvish] Setting up new backup

Paul Slootman paul at debian.org
Thu Oct 24 06:46:06 UTC 2019

On Wed 23 Oct 2019, Rich Shepard wrote:
> > Something is screwy. It's treating your local backup vault as if it were
> > remote.
> Wes,
> Seems to be the case. Wasn't before.

Or the ssh thing just worked and you never noticed that it was using

> /mnt/backup/salmo-data/dirvish/default.conf:
> client: root at salmo.appl-ecosys.com

I would change this to just:

client: salmo.appl-ecosys.com

assuming that output of "uname -n" is indeed salmo.appl-ecosys.com
Dirvish will then "know" that it's a local transfer. Adding a username
forces connection over ssh.

> Also interesting is that salmo-data/ contains directories from when I tried
> initializing it. For example, today's:
> [root at salmo /mnt/backup/salmo-data]# ls 20191023-1140/
> exclude  log  summary  tree/
> but the tree directory is empty.

Those are created at the very start, but if the backup failed, the image
directory (20191023-1140) will have all permissions turned off for
non-users, so drwx------ as shown by "ls".  You can (and should) remove
such failed directories as they won't be cleaned up automatically.


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