[Dirvish] Seeding vault

Roberto Mello roberto.mello at gmail.com
Tue Sep 25 16:46:47 UTC 2007

On 9/25/07, Dave Howorth <dhoworth at mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk> wrote:
> Roberto Mello wrote:
> > I am --init'ing my vaults, and I have one that is particularly large.
> > I have an existing rsync backup with the contents of what's going into
> > the vault.
> >
> > Is there a way to pre-seed the vault with the files I already have?
> Yes :)
> I have done this. I just constructed the necessary directory structure
> and files by hand. I don't know if there's a better way (anybody?).
> I used an existing vault to copy from. You need to make the directory
> structure:
> - the vault directory
>   which contains:
>   - the dirvish subdirectory
>     this contains:
>     - default.conf - create as you wish
>     - default.hist - copy a couple of lines from an existing vault
>   - an initial image subdirectory (e.g. 2007-09-25)
>     this contains:
>     - a sub-directory 'tree' containing your existing image
>     - a file named summary
>     - a file named log
> 'summary' contains a copy of a summary file from another vault, with the
> details adjusted appropriately.

summary is easy, but what about the index file? Is it necessary or is
it just used by dirvish-locate? What are the two first fields in the
index file?


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