[Dirvish] [patch] dirvish-runall concurrency

Eric Searcy emsearcy at osuosl.org
Thu Sep 6 22:41:37 UTC 2007


This patch against dirvish-1.2.1 adds support for the option  
`concurrent:', which accepts a number >=1 (defaults to 1) which  
specifies how many concurrent dirvish processes dirvish-runall should  


Some very slow hosts would slow down our nightly run and cause us to  
miss backups for hosts that easily could have completed in time.  If  
the limiting factor is the remote speed (either network or remote  
disk), rather than local disk speed, running concurrent processes  
speeds up the backup.

This patch only works on *nix systems (what else would you be running  
dirvish on ;-) ) that support forking (read: not Windows).

As soon as I get some time, I'd like to look at doing something  
similar to 1.3.1, but since this is still the version everyone uses,  
I made the changes here.  Another thought is to try and use perl- 
style threads instead of forks.

I've been running this for several months without problem, but if  
anyone would like to test it on their setup or check my code for bugs  
I'd appreciate the feedback.  Patch with -p1 in the source tree.   
I've been meaning to submit it but forgot until a recent post about  
multiple dirvish runs reminded me.

Eric Searcy
OSU Open Source Lab

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